Our dynamic playlists allow you to import and export a list of channels on your playlist settings.
If you'd like to re-use a selection of channels you have already added to a playlist, you could easily re-use this same selection by exporting it and the import it again during the creation of a new playlist.
You could also import a list of curated channels provided to you directly.
Import & Export availability
The import and export is only available on Dynamic playlist with the option Add other sources enabled.
To get more information on how to populate a dynamic playlist with 3rd party content, click here.
How to export the channels set on a dynamic playlist?
- Go to your Dailymotion Studio and click on Media > Playlists
- Open the playlist you would like to export and click on Advanced settings
- Click on Export selection
A .csv file will be downloaded, including all the channels added to this playlist.
How to import a channel selection in a dynamic playlist?
- Go to your Dailymotion Studio and click on Media > Playlists
- Create a dynamic playlist or open an existing one and reach the Advanced settings
- Click on Import selection and select the CSV file previously downloaded (or provided)
- Your search bar should be filled with all the channels exported. Make sure your smart filters are properly set and save the modifications.