If you believe a content violates our Child Protection Policy or our Hateful Conduct and Harassment Policy, please bring it to our attention as soon as possible.
Shall I be logged into Dailymotion to report inappropriate content?
Anyone can report content whether or not they have created a Dailymotion account.
How do I report inappropriate content?
- A reporting form is available by clicking on the "report" link located in the description of each video and select "child abuses". This is the quickest way to bring to our attention content involving minors you find inappropriate. Our team reviews all reported videos 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Please use the free text field to provide us more details regarding your report. These details will be useful to contextualize your request and process it as quickly as possible.
Additional details
- If you come across a content that displays child sexual abuse, you can also report it to the INHOPE network. The mission of INHOPE is to support a network of hotlines in combating online Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).
- Do not share the content. Sharing and/or sending messages containing photos and/or videos of children who are exploited or sexually abused is punishable by law.
- If you believe a child is in real danger (risk of suicide or violence for example), please contact immediately the nearest public authority.