Dailymotion allows its users to report behavior and content that appears inappropriate and/or violates our Prohibited Content Policy.
Who can make a report?
We offer all our users, whether they are connected to a Dailymotion account or not, the possibility to report inappropriate and potentially illicit content.
Why reporting inappropriate content?
Dailymotion strictly prohibits posting any content that is illegal and/or violates our Community Guidelines. Content that violates the guidelines outlined in this section will be removed from our platform or a restriction for sensitive content will apply.
How do I report inappropriate content?
We provide various ways for you to submit your report:
Online reporting tool
Next to each video, you can find a "Report" button that redirects you to our reporting form. It allows you to quickly report any inappropriate content:
- Select the main reason for your report: in order to provide the most appropriate responses possible, we have created different categories of reports corresponding to different behaviors
- Indicate which part of the video you wish to report: this allows us to quickly identify whether the problem concerns the whole video or a part of it
- Explain why you are reporting this video: this step is important as it allows you to provide us with any element of context you deem useful for the proper processing of your report
Email or postal mail
For any report sent via email or mail, please specify all of the following elements
- First name, surname(s)
- URL of the reported content
- Description of the reported content
- Reason for the report, referencing the appropriate category as listed in the Prohibited Content Policy - Section I
If you're acting on behalf of a third party
If the report is made on behalf of a third party, please provide Dailymotion with the following elements, in addition to those listed above:
- If applicable, the name of the entity or adminitrative authority acting in behalf of the third party
- Any supporting document proving that the reporter is duly authorized to represent the third party
- An email address for follow-up
Depending on your location, please submit you report via email or postal mail to the appropriate entity responsible for your area:
US residents
If you are a US resident, you may contact us per email at: notifications@dailymotion.com
Or send a detailed letter to:
Dailymotion Inc.
Prohibited Content Notice
150 W 22nd Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10011, United States
EEA residents
If you are a resident in the European Economic Area (including in the United Kingdom or Switzerland), ou may contact us per email at: notifications@dailymotion.com
Or send a detailed letter to our service:
Dailymotion SA
Service Contenus Abusifs
140 Boulevard Malesherbes
75017 Paris - France
Indian residents
If you reside in India, you may contact us per email at: dailymotion-in_grievance-officer@dailymotion.com
Or send a letter:
Dailymotion India Grievance Officer
140 boulevard Malesherbes
75017 Paris - France
Turkish residents
If you reside in Turkey, you may also send a letter or an email to the Representative appointed by Dailymotion in Turkey, in the scope of the Law No. 5651:
Name: Gökhan Gökçe
Address: Buyukdere Cd. No. 193/2 Esentepe – Sisli – Istanbul
Email: gokhan.gokce.external@dailymotion.com
Eğer Türkiye’de ikamet ediyorsanız, 5651 sayılı Kanun kapsamında görevlendirilen Temsilciye yazılı olarak ya da eposta yoluyla bildirim gönderebilirsiniz.
İsim: Gökhan Gökçe
Adres: Buyukdere Cd. No. 193/2 Esentepe – Sisli – Istanbul
Eposta adresi: gokhan.gokce.external@dailymotion.com
Residents in the rest of the world
If you reside in any other country than the US, EEA, Turkey or India, you may also contact us per email at: notifications@dailymotion.com
Or send a letter to:
Dailymotion SA
Service Contenus Abusifs
140 boulevard Malesherbes
75017 Paris - France
Copyright infringement
See how to report a copyright infringement.