The Domain and app restrictions feature enables you to protect your live streams by making sure that only specific apps and domains can play them.
"Live streams" and "Domain and app restrictions" are paid features
If you're interested, please contact your designated Dailymotion Account Manager or our Support Team to add them to your plan.
Domain and app restrictions can also be set up on VOD.
Manage your domain and app restrictions on live streams
Dailymotion offers the possibility to set restrictions at 2 levels:
- Content defaults level
- Live stream level
Content defaults level
The defined rule will apply to all live streams and videos on your profile (even on already uploaded ones):
- From your Dailymotion Studio, navigate to Media > Content defaults
- Define the rule to apply by default on your profile with the Domain restrictions and App restrictions fields:
- None: your content can be played on any domain / app. You can choose this option and set a different setting on specific content (see next section for restrictions at Live stream level).
- Allow access only to: your content can only be played on the specified domains / apps
- Block access only to: your content is blocked on the specified domains / apps
Live stream level
If only some of your live streams need specific restrictions, define them on a case-by-case basis:
- From your Dailymotion Studio, navigate to Media > Live streams
- Open the live stream you want to edit and go to Settings
- Define the rules to apply on your live with the Domain restrictions and App restrictions fields:
- Inherit rules from the profile: the restrictions defined at the content defaults level will apply on this live stream
Add rules for this live stream: define a specific rule for this live stream. Two options are available:
- Allow access only to: this live stream can only be played on the specified domains / apps. The rules set at the content defaults level are overridden.
- Block access only to: this live stream is blocked on the specified domains / apps. The rules set at the content defaults level are overridden.
Please allow 5 minutes for the defined rules to take effect
Which format for domains?
Where can I find App IDs?
You need the Bundle ID of iOS apps. Here is how to retrieve it:
Find on the AppStore the app you want to allow / block
Let's take Dailymotion as an example:
(this serves as an example only - see in section below "Can I restrict Dailymotion properties?" why you might not be able to restrict our properties) -
Copy the App ID
Example: 336978041 -
Paste it into this URL after "id=" and add the app's country code (Alpha-2 format) at the end: - Open the retrieved file and search for “bundleId”
Example: for Dailymotion, you will find com.dailymotion.dailymotion
This is the Bundle ID to add in the App restrictions field
The Android App ID is available in the PlayStore URL of the app:
Find on the PlayStore the app you want to allow / block
Example: - The App ID here is com.example.example
This is the App ID to add in the App restrictions field
You can add up to 20 domains & apps in each dedicated field. If you need more, please reach out to your designated Account Manager or our Support Team so we can add them for you.
Can I restrict Dailymotion properties?
Restricting Dailymotion properties is an extra plan feature. Please reach out to your designated Account Manager or our Support Team to include it in your subscription plan.
Can I use wildcards?
Yes, you can add a wildcard to specify all subdomains for a domain.
Example: if you add *
It will match all of its subdomains, i.e., etc