Every day, we strive to make Dailymotion the best video community around. We review all content detected or reported to us to ensure our Prohibited Content Policy is respected.
Human moderation
When it comes to content moderation, we place human analysis at heart. This is the reason why detected or reported content that may infringe our Prohibited Content Policy is sent for review by our moderators.
Our moderation team is in charge of evaluating whether content is illicit and/or infringes our Prohibited Content Policy which is an integral part of our Terms of Use. Human moderation together with automated tools allow us to identify and remove infringing content 24/7.
Automated moderation
At Dailymotion, in addition to the above-mentioned human moderation, we use innovative technologies for the purpose of moderation. These technologies help us detect and sometimes automatically remove content when there is a high level of certainty that it infringes our Prohibited Content Policy.
This is particularly the case when uploaded content matches fingerprint present in our databases or in the databases of our providers of fingerprint technologies (Institut National de l’Audiovisuel (INA) & Audible Magic(AM)). When such a match occurs, the content is automatically removed from our platform.
To learn more on our automated detection tools, click here.
Moderation decisions
At the end of the moderation process, users whose content has been moderated and the ones who reported it will receive an email from Dailymotion informing them of the outcome.
There are four types of decisions that can be taken on a content following moderation:
- The content infringes our Prohibited Content Policy: we remove the content from our platform. Please note that this moderation decision will automatically be applied for any content that matches a fingerprint previously generated in our databases or in the databases of INA and AM.
- The content does not infringe our Prohibited Content Policy: the content remains online or is restored.
- The content is not appropriate for all audiences: access to the content is restricted by a filter due to its sensitive nature. It is no longer accessible to all audiences and its visibility is reduced. It is also demonetized.
- The content is not suitable for advertising purposes: it will then be demonetized.
Can I appeal a moderation decision?
We allow our users to appeal a moderation decision if they find it unfounded. You can find out more about our appeal process on our dedicated article.
Account moderation
If a user repeatedly or severely infringes our Prohibited Content Policy, its account can be reviewed by our moderation team and may be deactivated.
Additional details
- To learn more about copyright protection, please see our dedicated section.
- To learn more about the restricted mode for sensitive content, please read our dedicated article.